“The foundation of our belief is the Bible, the writings through which God has revealed himself to humanity. Without error, it is the final authority over all matters on which it bears. In the Bible, God reveals himself as three eternally existing persons, Father, Son, and Spirit, each distinct in person yet one in essence.
“We believe God created humanity in his likeness and image, to live in harmony with him and share in his joy. But humanity embraced a focus on self, rather than on God, eternally severing its relationship with him. All creation is now found in a brokenness that cannot be undone in its own effort.
“We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who put on flesh and lived a flawless life. Executed on a cross, he took the consequences of all humanity’s wrongs and conquered death in his resurrection.
“We believe that by trust in Jesus’ unique ability to eternally reconcile us with God, individuals are given the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This results in a life-long discipleship that, led by the Holy Spirit, transforms how we think, feel, and live.
“We believe that the Church is the community of Christ-followers, discipling one another to live more like our Savior in this world and spreading his message of redemption. We believe our Lord will one day return for his people, and we celebrate that all things will be made new in the hope of his glory.”